The origins of Hunnish Runic Writing

"A székely rovásírás eredete" c. kötet angol változata. 1999 óta szerepel a Frankfurti Könyvkiállításokon. A magyar változathoz képest minimális kiegészítést tartalmaz.




Preface to the English edition
Preface 5.
History of the scientific views on the origins of Székely runic script  6.
Principles of deriving the origins of Székely script  20.
The development of writing  22.
The mythology, names, and sound values of runes  25.
Rituals and runic script  27.
Types and number of characters  29.
Order of characters  30.
Direction of reading and characters  40.
Syllabic signs  43.
The regular use of syllable and vowel signs  45.
The birth of letter scripts  48.
Comparing of writing systems  50.
The academic historical-geographical preconception  57.
The Turk connection  58.
What the historical sources say  59.
Székely script of the Huns  61.
The age of the development of Székely character forms  66.
The age of unification of Székely character sets  68.
Hungarian vocabulary connected to writing  72.
Ligatures that survived millennia  76.
Migrations of peoples  80.
Summary  84.
Bibliography  90.


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